TikTok and LunaTik
TikTok ($35) integrates a snap-in dock so that wearers can easily pop the Nano in and out of the sturdy base.
The other design, LunaTik ($70), makes for a more permanent way to convert a Nano into a watch, encasing the device in stainless steel and securing it to the wrist with high-grade silicone rubber.
Wilson has put the two designs on Kickstarter to get the project going, funders will get watches for their support, including the option of getting a snazzy red limited-edition version.
Best Carpet Cleaning flyer
* Happy Halloween From Sketchgrafix *
There are a constant barrage of business cards left on my front porch from tree trimmers, cleaning folks, landscapers, gardeners and others insinuating that I am not doing a very good job of these things myself. I don’t take offense because I am busy and don’t put as much attention into my house as I probably should. Hopefully my friends and family get that and don’t think less of me. But, as I am sort of in the market for a cleaning person, I kept two cards in particular from last week. This first one wasn’t too horribly offensive design-wise. With a cute nice cleaning girl and an easily legible typeface, I wasn’t tempted to throw it immediately into the trash. Monica and Lucio might be someone I would give a call regarding my need for help with the housecleaning though I am a bit worried about the “Chemical Included.”
But then the next day I found this treasure. I was blown away by the care and thought put into Linda Cole's marketing efforts. I really appreciate that they care enough about their image to create such an great business card. I truly believe that they will put that same care into the cleaning of my home.
So tell me, who would you call?